We organise our pack transport and get Dee a lighter pack. Back in the room we divide our gear. Housekeeping done we head off for Plaza de San Martin and lunch. Fantastic food and wine and we are happy little vegemites once more. Off to see the cathdedral and the glass, although mostly very dirty and in the process of restoration, is breathtaking. This is a place to visit in about 5 years when restoration will be complete. We book a tour of the platform that has been erected within arms length of the large rose window. Up close and personal with this ancient painted glass is just pure pleasure and it is this close that you are able to appreciate the detail of the work.
It's getting late so we head off to a small bar that we found the day before. Sitting in the corner of the Plaza de San Isidoro, with it's early Romaesque church, is a fantastic eating and drinking house with free tit bits at the bar and ,most importantly, great salad, fish and pasta. We are able to leave Leon satisfied that James had not led us astray.
Tomorrow we walk.
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