Up before sunrise as we have to have the car returned by 10.30am in Sevilla. It is dark and we are unaccustomed to being on the road (1) and seeing other people (2) at this time. We head off on the highway that has 2 numbers attached and approx 50 -60 kms from Sevilla I take a left when I should have strayed right ... no signs or not obvious but we suddenly find ourselves on a side road with more than 60 kms to Sevilla. Traveling at 60 -70kmph behind a truck compared to 120 -140-kms dual lane?? Hmmm take your pick. A sign indicates we can rejoin the freeway, turn right. Now we are on a local road traveling through roadwork at 40kmph.
Thirty minutes, perhaps more, we find ourselves in a small town with all the mum's taking el ninos to school. Behind a tractor, over several speed humps and kms later we rejoin the A-4 with 60 kms to Sevilla. We have spent approx 45 minutes traveling in a circle. Guess what??? When we finally get to the freeway we enter at the toll gates. 5,65 E later we are driving at 160 kmph to make up time.
Entering Sevilla one has 3 - 4 options. Points of the compass, bridges, main roads. I'm frazzled, Dee is madly looking at the map, somehow we manage to put it together and find ourselves at least within visual distance of our destination, the railway station. Putting the close-order-drill-skills of driving that I have acquired over the past few days and Dee's newly acquired map interpretative skills we find Europcar, unload and run away as quickly as possible.
Coffee and toast, assistance with hostal reservation, and all that is required is for us to find the hostal. Reorientating 3-4 times we get it right and find Hostal San Francisco. The room is cheap and the size of an average laundry. If you are buggered you are indifferent if there is a bathroom and bed.
Settled we head out for a reci of Sevilla. Shops, monuments and warm temps take their toll. The Moorish influence is everywhere. The architecture and design amazing. Women are fashion challenged. Men just dress as everywhere. The same old story, many small streets, many angles, much confusion. Hours later we return to our digs to relax and freshen up.
Dinner is great. The repercussions not so. Tomorrow is another day.
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